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Comenius Projekt „HiP“ (History in the Present)

Die Geschichte in der Gegenwart – der wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Einfluss historischer Monumente auf die Gegenwart europäischer Städte

Die Johann-Joachim-Becher-Schule BBS Speyer führt in den Schuljahren 2012/13 und 2013/14 bereits zum zweiten Mal in Folge ein Comenius-Projekt durch. Die teilnehmenden  Schüler/innen kommen dieses Mal aus zwei Klassen der Höheren Berufsfachschule, die ihre Mitarbeit bei HiP in das Fach Projektmanagement einbinden können.
Am HiP-Projekt sind außerdem noch Schulen aus sieben anderen europäischen Ländern beteiligt. Die Teilnehmer aus Spanien (Barcelona), Frankreich (Rochefort), England (Kings Lynn), Italien (Pescara), Tschechien (Budweis), Polen (Gnesen) und der Türkei (Usak) machen dieses Comenius-Projekt zu einem wahrhaft multikulturellen Ereignis. Die Projektkoordination liegt bei der BBS Speyer und wird von Herrn König und Frau Chiout durchgeführt.
Während des Projekts erarbeiten sich die Schüler/innen je nach fachlichem Schwerpunkt der von ihnen besuchten Schulen bzw. Bildungsgänge selbstständig die Geschichte, Architektur und die Bedeutung der historischen Monumente für die Stadtidentität und die Identität der Bewohner sowie deren Einfluss auf die lokale Wirtschaft. Für die Teilnehmer aus Speyer stehen auf Grund der Ausrichtung der HBF die wirtschaftlichen Aspekte im Mittelpunkt der Projektarbeiten.

Für die Kommunikation innerhalb des Projekts wird die Lernplattform Moodle genutzt. Die Lehrkräfte planen dort die verschiedenen Projekttreffen und tauschen sich über den Fortgang des Projekts aus. Die Schüler/innen treten in Kontakt mit ihren Mitstreitern in den anderen Ländern und laden ihre Arbeitsergebnisse hoch, so dass alle Projektbeteiligten daran teilhaben können.
Auf einer Projektwebpage werden ab dem zweiten Projektjahr die Schüler sich selbst, die Schulen und die Städte sowie die historischen Bauwerke präsentiert. Ebenso werden dort dann die Ergebnisse der Projektarbeit einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.
Zwischen Januar 2013 und April 2014 richtet jede Partnerschule ein Projektreffen aus, bei dem sich die Projektbeteiligten auch persönlich kennenlernen können. Ebenso bieten diese Treffen Lehrkräften und Schüler/innen die Gelegenheit, die Kultur und das Alltagsleben in dem  Partnerland persönlich zu erfahren. Aufgrund der vielen teilnehmenden Schulen nehmen an jedem Projekttreffen neben den Gastgebern nur drei bzw. vier Schulen teil. Bei der Planung wurde aber darauf geachtet, dass jede Schule mindestens einmal bei einem Projekttreffen auf jede der anderen Schulen trifft. Jedes Projekttreffen beginnt mit der Präsentation des historischen Monuments des Gastgeberlandes. Außerdem berichten die Schüler/innen aus allen teilnehmenden Ländern über ihre bisherige Arbeit.

homepage 1 gregor
Das Endergebnis des Projekts wird ein E-Book sein, das die Arbeit der Schüler dokumentiert und die Ergebnisse der Schülerprojekte zusammenfasst. Auf dem Koordinatorentreffen in Barcelona im Juni 2013 wurde festgelegt, dass sich jede Schule dabei auf einen thematischen Schwerpunkt konzentriert, der sich an der fachlichen Ausrichtung der jeweiligen Partnerschule orientiert. Für die BBS Speyer wird dieser Schwerpunkt auf den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Tourismus liegen.  Dieses E-Book wird auf der Projekt-Website zur Verfügung gestellt und kann von den beteiligten Schulen bei entsprechendem Wunsch auch in Druck gegeben werden.
Wir sind alle sehr auf Ergebnisse der vielen Schülerprojekte gespannt!

Projekttreffen mit Beteiligung der BBS Speyer:

  • 19. – 21.11.2013: Koordinatorentreffen in Kings Lynn (GB) mit den Comenius-Koordinatoren aus allen Partnerschulen
  • 14. – 19.04.2013: Projekttreffen in Usak (TR) mit sieben Schüler/innen und zwei Lehrkräften
  • 12. – 17.04.2013: Projekttreffen in Gnesen (PL) mit sieben Schüler/innen und zwei Lehrkräften
  • 09. – 12.06.2013: Koordinatorentreffen in Barcelona (ESP) mit den Comenius-Koordinatoren aus allen Partnerschulen – Evaluation des bisherigen Projektverlaufs
  • 03. – 08.11.2013: Projekttreffen in Barcelona (ESP) mit Schüler/innen und zwei Lehrkräften
  • 01. – 06.12.2013: Projekttreffen in Speyer mit Gästen aus England, Frankreich, Polen und Italien
  • 30.03. – 04.04.2014: Abschließendes Projekttreffen mit Lehrkräften und Schüler/innen aus allen Partnerschulen in Budweis (CR)
  • 02. – 04.06.2013: Koordinatorentreffen in Gnesen (PL) mit den Comenius-Koordinatoren aus allen Partnerschulen – Evaluation des gesamten Projekts und Erstellung des Abschlussberichts

Czech Republic 29 March – 4 April

 On Saturday 29th March we travelled to Prague. We were the first group arrived there and therefore we had some time to enjoy the big capital of the Czech Republic. We tasted some typical Czech food and visited famous places and buildings like the Prague Castle. In the castle itself there are many other sights. The Old Royal Palace, the Basilica of St. George, the Golden lane and the St. Vitus´s Cathedral were the most exciting places to see there. Even though we only saw a little part of the beautiful city of Prague it was very delightful for us.

The famous buildings, places and monuments in Ceské Budejovice were very remarkable, too. The city centre was next to the school which was the place we saw the most. At the beginning of the meeting it was our meeting point and afterwards we learned to know a lot of the buildings around the centre. We had a competition about the city centre where the international teams had to work as a group and get as much information as possible in a short period of time.

In the town hall the mayor of Ceské Budejovice welcomed us and told about the history of the town and how it got its name. The Czech cathedral and the Black Tower were other very interesting monuments we visited. Sadly we were not able to get a guided tour through the Cathedral but the Czech History teacher Jan told us the story behind the beautiful monument.

We were able to see another town – Ceský Krumlov – where we were guided by Jan. The city is a world heritage site and also famous for its photo studio that had been founded by a German man named Franz Seidel.

The few days in the Czech Republic can only be described by one word: amazing. We learned so much about the history in the country and the its influence on the present that we could not stop being astonished.

The Czech school was also great. The teachers and students showed us how they worked with their engineering programmes and we were able to participate in a Physics lesson which was held in English just for the Comenius students.

On the 4th April everyone was very sad because we knew that it was the last meeting we would have. When we look back at the whole week we can say: even though we all came from different countries we were all sure about one thing – the meeting in the Czech Republic was an amazing time. Everyone was happy to participate in the Comenius project and not only learn so much about other cultures, history and its influence on the present but also to overcome prejudice, negative stereotypes and to foster mutual understanding.


Comenius Project in Speyer 1-6 December 2013

Report in a german Newspaper


On Sunday afternoon the Polish, Italian and French groups arrived in Speyer, where they met their hosts for the very first time. After a short greeting the students got to know their new homes for the upcoming week. In the evening many hosts showed their guests around the city.


On Monday at 9:30 the German Headmaster introduced the school and himself, followed by a positive and informative speech to welcome everyone. Afterwards all students formed small groups to succeed in the school-rally which was also a very good opportunity to meet each other while working on tasks. To satisfy the physical well-being of our fellow students we went to the “Quartiersmensa” and enjoyed a typical German meal. While we visited the cathedral and attended our guided tour, the English students arrived at the train station in Speyer. The time after this tour has been used to explore Speyer in small groups in order to find hidden answers for our big quiz.  An Advent evening with karaoke and the construction of gingerbread houses helped to break the ice and created a feeling of community and friendship.


On Tuesday we met already at 10 o´clock. Then we went together by train to Heidelberg to visit the Heidelberg Castle, where we had an informative guided tour, planned by HBF1. This visit gave us a deeper insight into the German history and its influence on today´s life. Thereupon we spent time with our international students. Some of us remained in Heidelberg and ate something and others went by train to Mannheim and were thereafter with their hosts.


The next day, our meeting place was at school at 9 o´clock. On this day, the presentations of students of the various countries were made. We got to know about the historic monuments from respective countries and their importance for the present time. After that we walked to lunch to “Quartiersmensa”. Later from 1.30 to 2.00 p.m. we were in the Historic Council Chamber where a representative of the town of Speyer warmly welcomed the participants of the Comenius project.


After that a visit to the Museum of Speyer was on the plan where we also got a guided tour and learned a lot about the history of Speyer. In the evening, the exchange students were with their hosts.


On Thursday all members of the project gathered at the train station to enjoy ice skating in Mannheim. In the afternoon we had free time: Shopping, visiting the Christmas market, eating and sightseeing were highly demanded by most of the international students. It turned out to be a very good way to understand different societies and their way to spend their free time, which brought a lot of the young people together and helped to form friendships beyond the actual Comenius project. After a few hours separated, everyone slowly arrived at our final destination – the “Quartiersmensa”. A big farewell evening has been planned and executed by many students to show our guests that we highly appreciate their stay and companionship. The winners of the city-rally were announced and the price found its way to the Polish students. All participants celebrated the week with dancing, eating and laughing together as a big group. First concerns about the language barriers or social differences had vanished completely and students as well as their teachers had a blast being together and to look back on a very interesting and productive week.


On the last day the French travelled as first home, then the English group, after that the Italians flew back. In the afternoon the Polish group went back too. We miss our new friends and stay in touch with them. We already met some of them during the winter holidays, and we also plan to visit each other in spring and in summer!


Comenius Project in Barcelona 4-8 November 2013

Monday, 4 November (Isabell/ Jacqueline)

On Monday morning we went with our host sisters by metro to their school.
There we were welcomed and divided into groups.
The groups were then going on in various class rooms where ice breaking games have been prepared. So you could already get to know other students from other countries and make contacts.

After a lunch break, we took the metro and the complete Comenius group went to Sagrada Familia. This is a Catholic church that has been designed by Antoni Gaudi.
We had a tour in the church and were amazed at its beauty.
The church columns represent trees there, all the windows are colourful, all animal figures can be found in and outside the church.

The exchange was very eventful for us and we were able to gather a lot of valuable experience.  We had many insights into the culture and lifestyle of the Spaniards, for example: for breakfast, both of us got a baguette with olive oil, salt and tomato which is unusual in Germany.
The dinner was at 10:00 p.m.. In Germany it is much earlier.  For dinner there were always chips or tortillas and for dessert there were always a pudding or cream cakes.
We had also a pleasure to eat tapas and paella con pollo, i.e. to enjoy original Spanish paella with chicken, homemade by the host grandma. We would make an exchange one more time but would prefer to stay longer in a host country for example for a year as an au pair.

Tuesday, 5 November (Jessica/ Sarah-Luise)

At 8 o´clock we met at the school and attended classes with our hosts.

A lesson takes one hour, what is unusual for German students. Ellie and Sandra had one lesson of Arts and another one of History. Instead of a black board the teachers use a computer with a projector.

After the lessons we went to Barcelona by subway. At the Plaza de Catalunya we were divided in groups for a treasure hunt. We saw the cathedral and the old town centre. At the famous shopping street “Las Ramblas” every group had to do a task to get money from passers-by. One group danced “Macarena”, another one offered gambling. Such experience creates a great team spirit and a powerful bond of friendship.

When we finished the treasure hunt we had free-time. Most people went shopping but we accompanied Ellie, Sandra and Dani to a rehearsal for the Farewell party on Thursday.

Wednesday, 6 November (Zülf/ Sarah Iabell)

On Wednesday we were in the Institut Maria Aurelia Capmany (school) and met at 8:45a.m. At 9:00 o´clock the groups from the different nations were brought in computer rooms so that they could prepare for the presentations. The preparation time was from 9:00-10:00 o´clock. At 10:00 o´clock all students of the Comenius project made their presentations in the school library. The first group were the English.  They showed the sights of Kings Lynn. The second group was Italy, they planned a trip through the historical cities and sights in their region. Then there was a break that lasted 30 minutes, afterwards the Turkish group presented their landmarks and historical places, etc. and then came the German group. The German group told about the Speyer Cathedral and introduced our school with a video. Finally, the Spaniards told about Barcelona’s attractions, i.e. the famous cathedral Sagrada Familia.

After the student`s presentations we went to the City Council of Cornellá. There was a guide and she spoke about the history of the City Council and the neighbourhood Cornellá. She showed us the building and a little bit of Cornellá.

At 2:00 o`clock we had lunch, we went to a shopping centre and ate there a little bit. Other students went eating to other restaurants.

At 4:00 o´clock we had a guided tour in the City lab.

They showed us a 3D printer. That future technology is really amazing.  At 5:00 o´clock we had free time and we could go with our host family where we wanted.

Zülf: The journey has helped me to understand what it means to be alone without my family in another country to try to cope with the new situation.

And that it was a good decision to go to Barcelona as I’ve also learned a bit of Spanish culture and many new people. I think that the trip helped me a lot.

Sarah-Isabell: For me personally, the journey brought the experience of other cultures and how the Spaniards are.

I’ve learned that the culture of the Spaniards is quite different than ours and the country is beautiful. I would go back to Spain. The people there are very kind and hospitable.

Thursday, 7 November (Nadine)

The Thursday was a wonderful, sunny and exciting day. At the beginning of the day we met near to the Catalan national museum, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya in Barcelona at 9 o’clock in the morning. There were short and interesting presentations of the Spanish pupils. After the presentations we walked the way to the Catalan national museum. From the top we had a wonderful view overlooking the city Barcelona. With more than 250 000 works the Catalan national museum, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, at the foot of the Montjuïc mountain in impressive collections shows all facets of the Catalan art of the Romanesque up to the modern age.

At 12:30   we set out for the funicular “Transpordador Aeri”. On the way we visited the “Camp Nou” stadium. It is a football stadium that was opened 1957. As well we visited the Estadi Olimpic that is next to the stadium. After the investigation of these places of interest we walked to the funicular. There was only one gondola therefore we had to wait until the others came.  Out of gondola we had a miraculous view. We saw the port, a lot of ships and boats and also we had a wonderful view overlooking the city of Barcelona.

At 14:30 we walked together to the beach where we spent our time a little bit. The sea, the beach and the lovely weather created a miraculous atmosphere. After the beach we divided ourselves into groups and went separate ways. In our group there were ten people. Near the beach there was a shopping centre where we ate, drank and bought something. At 7:00 o´clock we were in a restaurant organized by the Spanish.

Thursday evening (Riccardo)                                          
After the great afternoon we had with the other groups in Barcelona, everybody went to his host family to prepare for the farewell celebration.
Chic shirts and a dress, even the teachers were well dressed for this evening. At 7:30pm I arrived with some Spanish and Turkish friends I´ve met there.

The celebration took place in a Bar/pub which was reserved only for the Comenius people.
It was a good location, with a stage, some snacks and my host Brother Jordi and 3 others from his class were responsible for the entertainment.

They had prepared something funny, but at first they played songs on the saxophone, guitar, bass and of course with a girl who had a nice voice.

Next, they did some funny jokes about their teacher and 2 of the German group weren´t spared, but in spite of this it was very funny and no one was offended, how could they?!, at last we became all friends after these few days.

Well, after that the dance floor was opened and the music on.
Even the shyest were now relaxed and courageous enough to do one step and dance. I spoke with the Turkish, Italian and Spanish groups, finally they were allowed to drink one beer, only our teachers were killjoys in that point. In other words we were the only one who weren´t allowed to drink, even our teachers drunk one beer. Last but not least Turkish teachers showed us a traditional dance of their culture.

But all in all it was an unforgettable night and in the end every group came on the stage to thank the host families, the teachers and notably the young Spanish students, who showed and taught us so much (tears were not to prevent by the female hosts and guests).

Friday, 8 November  – Good Bye Barcelona (Sarah- Luise)

Finally it was Friday and we had to fly home.

Our flight was planned for 12:55, so we had to be at the airport at 10:00.

The students from the other countries left later. They had breakfast with their hosts at school.

The people from our German team spent the morning in their host families and came directly to the airport.

Ellie came to Sandra´s place with Jessica and Sandra´s father took us to the airport by car. We checked in and said Good Bye to our hosts.

The flight from Barcelona to Frankfurt was only my second one. My first one was from Frankfurt to Barcelona five days before.

Now I love flying and would like to fly somewhere again.

I got home with mixed feelings. One the one hand I missed Sandra, who was very friendly to me this week. We got along with each other perfectly.

On the other hand I was happy to come home and see my friends and my boyfriend again. It´s also a good feeling to come back to a place where you can read the signs and understand people talking.

I´d like to mention that the week was difficult for some people from our team. I think their happiness about coming home was stronger than the sadness about the farewell. I think it´s alright that they didn´t pretend something they didn´t feel.

I´d like to visit Sandra again. Maybe I can do this next summer when school is over.

All in all I think that the Comenius project is a good idea to meet new friends, see new places and learn about different cultures.

If I got the chance to join an international project again, I would do it. And I suggest the same to everyone.

Comenius HiP Project meeting in Usak, Turkey (14-19 April 2013)

Hip1       On this trip all of us learned a lot about the culture, traditions and people of Usak and about Turkish, Czech and Spanish Comenius projects. We found new friends, and at the end of the week we went home happy but sad. We were happy to go home, but at the same time we were sad to leave this wonderful country and its hospitable people.

Cengiz and Fatih gave us (the Czech, Spanish and German groups) a warm welcome at Izmir Airport, and then we went by bus to Usak.  The bus was the first amazing experience for all of the European travelers: each seat had a display (it was a TV!! with approx. 12 programs), there was internet access AND  on-board  service!!

Hip2That means we got tea, coffee, cookies, cake, etc. for free!  You won´t find this kind of convenience on a German bus.
The Turkish host families picked up our students at the bus station in Usak.

The teachers were brought to the hotel and at half past midnight we were at a restaurant which is open 24/7. Again: you won´t find such convenience in Germany. We tried traditional Turkish soups, with names that were tongue twisters for us.

Hip3More important than their names was the taste of the soups – as you probably already guessed – delicious, even the “brain”- soup was very good.
15 April was a day full of work and culture.
We met the headmaster of the Orhan Dengiz Anadolu Lisesi and a lot of teachers and students.



Hip4During the official part of the day we learned about Usak, Barcelona and Budweis, about the sights there and the monuments which influence the economical, cultural and social life of the cities. Each country made at least three creative presentations in English on the topics mentioned above.
In between, the Turkish hosts performed a folk dance and a drama in English.
You can see from the pictures that the Turkish and German students liked each other at first sight. While a student´s folklore band was playing and singing, the guys and girls were on the dance floor!
At the end, the Turkish music united all nationalities with joyful dancing.

It was fun for everybody to sing a song in Turkish and it was a success!
On 16 April we were on the road, first to a mysterious cave with hot thermal water (Magara Girisi Ücretlidir)
Then we went to ancient city of Hierapolis, which was an architectural and cultural masterpiece. It is about 2,000 years old. Our guide told us about the achievements of this ancient culture.
After lunch, all the calories that we ate were burned up during a spur-of-the-moment soccer game. Later, we walked on the white wonder of Pamukkale. Even bad weather can´t do anything to the beauty of nature there.

Hip6We enjoyed the bright colors of the stones and the warmth of the thermal spring. A magical place!
17 April was also full of history and present times.
First we visited the Usak archeology museum and then the modern school in Usak. We were delighted about the high-tech equipment in every class. And again: you won´t find such convenience neither in Germany nor in Spain nor in the Czech Republic. On the same day, there was a farewell dinner in a restaurant which is very popular with Turkish VIPs such as the  president of Turkey, Erdogan.

Hip7The atmosphere was amazing. Two singers accompanied the evening with traditional Turkish and modern international songs. Students AND teachers danced traditional and up-to-date dances and enjoyed the magic of the international cultural exchange. It is worthy to mention that the restaurant’s roof was open!!! The staff scattered flowers and confetti from the roof. None of us had ever seen something like that. Besides, there were fireworks INSIDE, which was probably only possible because of the roof. As already often mentioned: You won´t see anything like that in Germany.
On our last day in Usak we also learned a lot about Turkey’s past and present.
The international group visited the old mosques Ulu Camii and Burma Camii – for the most of participants it was the first time in their life.
Hip8The next interesting event in the Comenius program was a visit to a traditional carpet manufacturer where the students could see the old handicraft of producing very beautiful carpets. They understood that it takes weeks to make only one piece and you need a lot of skills, training and patience.
In the Atatürk museum we learned about the founder of the modern Turkish state. His wife was actually from Usak!
After lunch we visited the next historical site: Blaundos was an ancient city founded by the successors of Alexander the Great.
All in all, the Turkish project meeting was a huge success! The Turkish team’s perfect organization and the hospitality of the host families made it possible.
In just five days we were enriched with friends and culture. The international groups widened their horizons and also became fans of Turkey!


Our trip to the project meeting in Gniezno, Poland (12-17 May 2013)

A report by Aljoscha Veth and Marius Flick (HBF 1 RuC, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Schule BBS Speyer)

We started our trip to Gniezno on Sunday the 12th of May at 8am. After traveling 10 hours by train we finally arrived in Gniezno.  Our first interest was to explore the surrounding of our hotel.

At Monday we met our hosts at the local school and showcased our presentations about the Johann-Joachim-Becher School and Speyer. Later on the polish teachers told us the story of the polish state founding. To keep our attention the organizers arranged a contest about the origins of polish history for the foreign students. hip1

One of the German students won this challenge – and a pizza as a price. After a very informative morning we had the chance to get to know our hosts much better. In the evening we went to a great campfire with our new polish friends.



hip2On Tuesday we went to explore Gniezno, which offers a lot of beautiful buildings and museums. Our tour led us to the Cathedral and the museum of polish origins. We had a well-organized guide who led us through the Cathedral so we could learn a lot more about its meaning.










Afterwards we visited the museum of the origins of Polish state which shows a lot of very interesting facts about the past of Poland. hip3To end the official part of the day the polish teachers brought us to the city hall of Gniezno where we met the mayor who showed us a presentation about the city and its beauty.
A photo competition has been organized to make the foreign students and the polish ones work together as teams in order to get the best picture of the day.
In the evening a big bowling event took place where we played with people from other countries to get in touch. It was very interesting and nice to meet new people.

On Wednesday we drove to Ostrów Lednicki by bus to see the actual founding place of Poland and how the people in small villages lived. We visited a museum of miniature buildings and another museum about findings the polish archaeologist made near Ostrów Lednicki. hip4After lunch we absolved a workshop to collect the knowledge about all the different and interesting things we had seen this day. For the sake of intensify our friendships with the other Comenius participants, our kind polish hosts organized a stunning campfire in the forest.



At Thursday we visited the school in Gniezno and voted for the best picture of our photo competition. After electing the winner we took part in some of the lessons at school to get a better impression of an average day for students in Gniezno. Past lunch there was a final meeting at school to collect impressions and thoughts about the whole week in Poland. Then we drove to a campfire, the polish teachers had organized, by bus. We grilled sausages over the campfire and danced to the music. It was really impressive and amazing to see how good we all got along together and how easy it is to make new friends even when there is a language barrier involved.
hip7 hip8Before we drove to the hotel we had to say goodbye to each other which was a very sad moment for everyone.

At Friday we had to leave the hotel at 9am to get to the train station where our hosts gathered to say goodbye for a last time. After the 10 hour trip back home we struggled with the huge temperature differences between Germany and Poland.

In the end it was an overwhelming experience for us to meet all the people from different countries and we made a lot of new friends which makes the whole Comenius project very recommendable.
Hopefully we may take part in the next trip to Budweis which is in the Czech Republic.














Übersicht Comenius

Comenius Projekt „FinE“

EBook zum Projekt „HIP“
